
Monday, November 9, 2009

Design Wall Monday, 11/9/09

I'm sill working on my Freeze Frame quilt from Judy Laquidara. Last Wednesday when I visited with friends and sewed all day, I got most of the border blocks that I need done. I think I need to make about 6 more...

I am really liking this quilt!!! I already have quilting ideas rolling in my head.

I want to thank everyone who commented on my last post about this quilt. Many of you said that you liked to black background... well, it's actually a very deep purple - plum color.

I love this fabric!!! This is the second quilt that I have used it in, and I have a third quilt that will probably get it also... Did I say that I love this fabric?


  1. These are so pretty...they make a great quilt all by themselves!

  2. I do love seeing what fabric selection does to a quilt... and yours is going to be a beauty for sure.

    I'm also sorry to read in a previous post about your Waco Willy... my sympathy to y'all for your loss. I've got a couple older girls here - it is hard to face that reality.

  3. Can't wait to see what you do with the quilting Kim. I love the plum colored fabric.
