
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

WIP Wednesday, 2/24/10

I am such a blog slacker!!!! It amazes me how many blogger have something interesting to say everyday. I just don't know how you do it. And then there are those who blog once a day 2 or 3 times a day...

I guess I sometimes feel that others wouldn't be that interested in what I'm doing, thinking or what have ya. Creative writing wasn't my strong point in school...

Anyway, enough excuses! Here's a few pix of a customers quilt that I'm working on. I took Carla Barrett's Quilt Whispering Class over at MQR and have joined the yahoo group called quilt whisperer. There I posted pix of this quilt for help. I am using some of the design ideas that Carla drew and some of my own... (Thanks Carla!)

Before any designing or quilting.

1st border and design by Carla.

2nd border.

Start of the 1st block.

If you ever get a chance to take Carla's class... do it! It is well worth every penny... :-)


  1. Hi Kim - I feel the same way you do. I always feel people won't be interested in anything I have to share because, well frankly, my life is pretty boring. But, I have your blog on my blog roll and always look forward to your posts. I, too, have taken Carla's QW class, both in person and online, and I'm also in the Yahoo group. What a great forum for inspiration. Thanks for your suggestions on my bunny hill quilt top. Hopefully I'll get started on it this weekend or next week. I've been tied up with Shining Sunflowers! Take care, Deb

  2. Kim, do you use a tool to make your curved cross-hatching?

  3. Hi Kim, wow! Can I hire you as my publicist?? LOL Excellent job on your quilt, you were obviously a star student and blew me away with your homework designs! This quilt looks wonderful, as I knew it would!

    I am teaching at MQS in May, 2 of the 3 classes are still open.

  4. Kim, I feel the same as you. I feel that I don't have anything really interesting to blog about, and I find it hard to just ramble on about nothing. lol
    Your quilting is fabulous, as usual, and I can't wait to see the completed quilt. I checked out Carla's blog and her quilting is spectacular too.
