
Friday, March 5, 2010


Where do you get your INSPIRATION?  That seems to be the question lately...  If you go over to Judy's blog she is asking this today, and you can read all the fabulous answers that are coming her way.  The other day Amanda over at The Quilted Fish asked us "What inspries you?"

I've seen many articles about inspiration both on the web and in magazines lately.  In the new Quilt Life magazine there are several articles about different artist, in which they talk about where they gather inspiration...

I find my inspiration in many different places.  My surroundings, nature, magazines and books.  I always love to see what other quilters are doing on their blogs, forums and flickr.  Somedays it may be and object that crabs my attention.  The next the designs in a pattern.  Most of all it's always color that draws me in first...  everything else comes second.

Today a few of the things that I find inspiration from are....

A plate from Mexico

The colors are fabulous!  The design intrigues me... what could become of this?  An applique pattern?  A quilting design?  Colors for my next quilt?  Maybe a wholecloth colored quilt!  We'll just have to wait and see.

A frog

To me, hearing the frog sing at night means the coming of spring....

Or maybe a car part...

I have no idea what this is... but I think it looks pretty cool!

So, where do you find inspiration?


  1. Love the car part........

  2. I thought you were going to say the leaves inspired you not the frog.
