
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Swirl Ribbon Candy

I took me most of the day and all evening to do a 4 minute video....  I wanted to name this design Ho Ho's because it reminded me of those snack cakes, but that sounds like a trademark controversy waiting to happen.  Not at all what I want, so we're keeping with Swirl Ribbon Candy....


  1. very cool! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to create this!

  3. Love this! Thanks Kim...and did I see you wearing LONG SLEEVES? Oh, how I wish I could wear long sleeves! I think we are due to be around 110 degrees today. Heck, I am shedding my socks and shoes in the A/C house!

  4. Thanks for investing the time to make this video. I love trying new designs on my machine. :)

  5. Wonderful Kim - I realy love your videos. I will go practise that one. Its great to see how you did it - Thank you for the video - great to see how you do that

  6. Thanks Kim for sharing - I enjoyed your video. I am impressed that you can talk and quilt at the same time, I know I can't. :)

  7. Thanks I love learning new stuff.

  8. Another awesome video!! Thanks so much, Kim!
