
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Today on the machine....

I could just cry... yep!  Cry!  I broke my base....  :-(

So... so much of what I had planned to do on this quilt I can't.  The one good thing is I can still SID (stitch in the ditch) without my base.  That's if I go really, really slow....

The second good thing about no base is.....  I 'm making things up as I go!  Where I would normally do piano keys... I came up with this!

I was going to cross hatch the sashing, but I really, really like this better!

And I'm just having too much fun with the blocks...

So in the mean time...  I have a new base on the way, but for now I will just make things up as I go!


  1. I love what you are doing (without the base).

  2. I'm not sure what the base is, but I'm with Desley - I love what you've got happening here! The sashing design is wonderful and all the making it up as you go is turning out beautifully!

  3. I like this design much better then cross hatching. It is more interesting..... Look how creative your are without your base.... maybe that happen for a reason...lololo

    Love your work!!!!!

  4. You made some great lemonade there!

  5. Maybe you should just ditch the base!

  6. Doesn't look like you miss your base or need it! :-) Love what you quilted instead!! Looks gorgeous!

  7. Kim - it looks fantastic! I am not sure what the base is, but what you are quilting is wonderful!
