Monday, July 11, 2011

Some days...

Some days you just have to create...  yesterday that is just what I did!

I've had this book for about a year, and have read it, and reread it and read it again.  The other day I was going through it again and just couldn't get the ideas out of my mind.  So I went into my box of batiks and started pulling some fabrics out.  I came across a panel that I forgot that I even had.  Don't know where I got it even...  It may have been a gift because it's not colors that I would normally choose.  I even had a whole stack of  fabrics to go with it....

So yesterday I decided to play...  Did I follow the exercises in the book?  NO!  I just jumped into the deep end with both feet!

I really have never done improvisational piecing before.  It was kind of freeing.  Actually it was really freeing!  I sewed and I cut and I sewed and I slashed and sewed back together again...  If I added something and didn't like it, I put it somewhere else...  The last strip on the left side or the light border was on the right.  Did not like it at all so I took it off and am now auditioning it for the left.  I think I like it.  Just need to decide what to to at the top....

When I step back I see the straight seam attaching the bottom strip to the panel.  It's really the only straight seam....  It's kinda sticky out to me...  So what if I....

add a light strip diagonally?  If I slash and sew it into the strip set I will still have a straight seam at the bottom, so I'm thinking of just fusing it on so it can extend into the panel...  just like we see it here.  I'm going to look at it for a day or two before I decide...
One more question....  does an art quilt or improv quilt have to have straight edges???  I think not!


  1. very cool, Kim! And the answer is no...that's the beauty of an art rules, just express your own vision.

  2. I've done this before; I didn't even know there was a name for it, and I thought I was the only one who would do it!!! Glad you started your blog, Kim. I'm following it!
