
Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, On the Wall

I think I"ve mentioned a few times that I'm working two job right now...  One at the mall for a big corporate retailer and the other at the local quilt shop, Quilt Harbor, here in Aberdeen.  With the holiday season and between both jobs I haven't had a full day off since Thanksgiving...  No time to sew, no time to quilt :-(

BUT...  and that's a big one, I've been working on a store sample while at Quilt Harbor!  Love!

No pattern...  just making it up as I go,


  1. Wonderful, looks like a stain glass window!

  2. I wish I could just "make it up" like that. It's stunning! Love the fabric choices and the pattern

  3. Thats clever - looks lovely. How many blocks are you going to do ??

  4. Love the rich colors and what a perfect fabric for the four patch stack-n-whack technique.
