
Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Mail Day

I don't always get to the Post Office daily....  At best of times I go twice a week...  so anyway, look what was waiting for me when I went yesterday...

My Quick Curve Ruler and pattern that I ordered from Jenny!!!  (the fabric is just so you could see the ruler better)  Check out my previous post with all the links to order a ruler, pattern or both here.  Also don't forget about the Urban 9-patch sew along....  I think I may do mine in 30's prints.  Just because I have lots of them that need to be used up!!!


  1. Ah, another lucky 'quick curve ruler' delivery - mine arrived earlier this week, but I'll have to wait until I get some UFO's sorted before I can play with it

  2. glad it arrived safe! Have fun with it! You have no idea how many times I've had fun with your Just Leaf It book....I'll have to do up a mosaic of quilts I've done using your book!
