
Thursday, March 29, 2012


Looks like I've been missing in action again, but I'm here to tell you that tomorrow is my last day (LAST DAY) at my corporate retail job at the mall!!!!  I'm really excited and a little bit nervous at the same time.  I've been getting lots of calls for quilting, but have had no time to quilt...  this is what pushed me into giving my notice.  So for now I will be working 2 days a week at Quilt Harbor and QUILTING FULL TIME.  (yes, I'm yelling  LOL)  So now I'm praying to the quilting goddess to keep me busy....

So mean while I've been playing with tie dye with Sharpie markers....


  1. I know you will keep busy - we have all missed you ♥

  2. That's great news! I know you will be very busy.
