
Monday, August 13, 2012

Ta Done...

Finished this cute quilt yesterday... 

I used black thread....  so the quilting is a little hard to see.  (it was hard to see where I was...)

I love the kitty face...

And the fabric on the back is adorable!  You can see the quilting a little bit better...  This design I call My Favorite Things.  It's from my Starting with a Swirl class...  it's a little bit of this and a little bit of that!

 At Quilt Harbor we had a Jelly Roll Race last Wednesday...  Lots of fun, but I decided to slice my top up a bit!

And sew it back together....

I forgot to get pix of it before I started slicing... but I really like it after I got the sashing on!


  1. Really cute Kim! I love your kitty face too!

  2. I am not a big fan of the jelly roll race but you made it look good!

  3. I love the coins quilt. I am not a fan of the jelly roll quilts.

  4. quilting is great-as always! and love how you took the jelly roll races idea to the next level!! :)
