
Monday, October 29, 2012

Design Wall Monday, 10/29/12

While working at Quilt Harbor one of the benefits that I have is getting to choose and make store samples...

We had gotten blot of Laurel Burch Flying Colors fabric...  love it!  It sat on the self for a couple weeks without much notice, so I decided to make a sample.  I chose the Granny Square quilt block to make the best of this fabric.

I made one block....  and once customers saw this block...  out the door it went.  That's right!  I all sold in one day!!!  WOW! 

The colors are a little brighter than what the pic shows...  and I really do like it!  Now I need to find time to get the rest of the blocks done :-)

Head on over to Judy's to see what others have on their wall...

1 comment:

  1. amazing what samples can do! I made a granny square quilt a couple months ago-really liked it
