
Monday, January 21, 2013

Design Wall Monday

My selvage quilt has made some progress....

Making these blocks just makes me giggle...  I will have to get some close ups of some of the sayings that are on the selvages.  It will be a quilt that you will have to get up close and read.  The more you look at it the more you find, and finding just the right saying make me giggle out loud!  So far it has "Are We There Yet?", "Made with pride in the USA", "Lady Bug, Lady Bug", "Trippin", "Before the Kiss", and many more...

This quilt has been named....  My Friends Bring Me Dots!

Because my friends really do bring me dots!!!

I have joined a group of ladies that get together once a week to work on hand projects and give encouragement to one another, plus show and tell.  We are an informal group.. no dues, no name, but we do a raffle quilt once a year and donate it to The Emerson Building (senior apartments) for letting us you their conference room.  

Hope to start quilting this later this week....

Since it's Monday (at least for a couple more hours) you can check out what everyone is up to over at Judy's.


  1. just love your salvage quilt-so cool.
    your informal group sounds lovely and low-key. The applique quilt is very pretty-look forward to see how you quilt it!

    1. Thanks Diane! I'm having way too much fun with the selvages :-)

      Yep, these ladies I've started sewing with are the best. I think we laugh more than we sew...

      Thanks again!

  2. I had to stop saving them. Every friend was bringing me selvages, and I couldn't make the projects fast enough. Love you quilt.

    1. Hahahaha Teri! I think I have enough to do 4 or 5 quilts now!!!

  3.!! Love you selvage quilt!

    1. Thank you Jenny!!! I'm really having a lot of fun with it!

  4. Very cute! Wish I'd been saving for the last 20 years or so!!

    1. Thanks Lois!
      hahaha... if I had been saving them that long I'd have enough to go around the world to the moon and back around several times!
