
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Simple Meandering

I mentioned a little while ago how my business has changed from highly over the top custom to simple quilting, and that I like this change.  It's so less stressful!  I'm having a lot more fun quilting and not worrying about every little stitch and detail  :-)

So here are a couple simple meandered quilts I've done lately...

Sometimes all a quilt needs it to be meandered...

And when the quilt is really sweet it may need some hearts...

I love left overs pieced into the back...





  1. Oh...good for you Kim! We all know the feeling and at one time I wanted to do the same thing...instead I just stopped...well almost, I still have an occasional one here and there. ;o)

    1. Thank you Jenny! Now that you have a little one to take care it may be harder to quilt full time.

  2. I've done the same thing with my business Kim. I'm much more relaxed about the quilting now. I was getting very burned out.

  3. Yep... much more relaxing! But, I have a cutom coming up next.... after the one I'm doing now.

  4. seems a common 'problem' with us professional quilters. My main 'stress' if you like, is getting a balance in life! This is a common point of discussion with those who work from home.
