
Monday, October 21, 2013


I've been home from MQX West for almost a week now...  what a great show.  My classes were full and my students were wonderful!!!

I did not get a ribbon from the judges on either of my quiltS, but then I did not expect to!  What I did get is...  A TEACHER'S RIBBON!!!  (picture is not the best... taken with my phone)

 Lisa Sipes gifted me her ribbon...  A ribbon from one of my peers means almost more to me than one from the judges :-)

After the show I took a side trip to Goldendale in Eastern Washington to take my Mom home.  She came down to Portland to help me in my classes...  I don't know how I do it without her.  Love you Mom!!

While in Goldendale I go to enjoy my most favorite view ever...

Not the best pic once again...  the sun was just coming up and it was a little hazy from some fires, but I never get tired of that view.  This is Mt Adams and the view I had every morning while growing up!


  1. Beautiful view...hope classes went well.

  2. Congratulations! IMHO your quilt was deserving of a ribbon, but how nice that a student thought so highly of you!
