
Monday, November 25, 2013

Ta Done

I finished the Strippy Quilt a few days ago for one of my customers... (sorry the lighting isn't better.)

We decided on a simple water meander.

And Koy....

While taking these pix I noticed I missed a few fish scales...  :-(

So Saturday I load the quilt back on to my machine and added the missing scales...

Some quilts are really hard to get good pictures of depending on their color and what the sun is doing.  Right now we are having very cold but sunny days, and the natural light coming in big picture windows is really bright.  This created a lot of glare in most of my pix of this quilt, so I hope you can see them without hurting your eyes....

I have used these Koy motifs in the past on several quilts.  It's been along time since then and I forgot how fun they are do!  Hope my customer like them as much as I do ;-)

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