
Monday, March 23, 2015

Ta Done.... Convergence Quilt

This convergence quilt was made by a good friend of mine.  She handed me her quilt top and backing and said "Have fun."  So I did!!!

I did my favorite doodle quilting...  I chose two or three background fill along with feathers and just doodle!

 I chose swirls, pebbles, and free form baptist fans..

 And lots of feathers....

 I used four different colors of InvisiFill thread...  blending them through the colors of the quilt top.

 I'm really pleased with how this turned out...  I have some hand dyes that I may have to make one for myself!

I'm starting to think my phone takes better pictures than my fancy pants camera!!!  More pictures here and here.


  1. Fabulous! Love the textures and interest. I use an iPod touch to take photo's of my customers quilts, seems to work OK as long as the light is right.
