
Friday, July 8, 2016


I did not get a lot of pictures of this quilt... as it needed to be delivered as soon as it came off the frame.  

I've been longarm quilting for 17 years and I keep learning about who I am as a quilter.  My customer wanted boomerangs spinning in the blocks.  I thought, that sounds easy enough. I was wrong! Not for me!  What I learned is I'm a right brain quilter.  I can do intricate freehand designs with organic shapes all day long.  But if someone wants a structured design... forget it.  I need to either use a stencil or my computer....

I created a boomerang design and made a stencil...  but the fabrics are busy and I could not see the lines to follow them. When quilted they did not look like boomerangs!

 I searched and search for a digitized design with boomerangs.  I found nothing.  The design that my customer and I both agreed on is Decatur, Block 5 by Christy Dillon.

Anyway I'm pleased with the end results... I used my Quilt Gallery computerized system to do the block designs and quilted freehand Ribbon Candy in the sashing.

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