
Monday, July 31, 2017

Plum Brandy

Usually this time a year I have more plums than we could ever use..  I give many box fulls away. I use to make plum butter and plum syrup...  A friend suggested making plum brandy.

Plum Brandy
You need enough plums to almost fill a big canning jar.  I don't know the size, but you can see how big it is next the a half gallon of vodka....  Windfalls (plums from off the ground) and over ripe plums work well

Clean plums...  some people cut the plums in half and get of the pit.  I find that too messy since I'm mostly using over ripe plums.  I just take my knife and peirce the skin of the plum several times.  Place plums in canning jar.

Pour 2 cups of sugar over the plums.

Fill the jar with vodka.  I use cheap vodka....  then kind of muddle the fruit with a wooden spoon .

Seal the jar....  shake it up really well.  All the sugar will not dissolve right away. 

Place somewhere that's cool and dark.  Once a week shake the jars.

I will give a taste test at Thanksgiving but it's much better by Christmas!


  1. Do you have to strain it before serving? This sounds great. I would love to try it with peaches.

    1. Yes... I strain it. You could pour it straight from the canning jar but I always strain it first.
