
Friday, February 15, 2019

Snow Dye

With all the snow we had this week I decided to take an advantage and try some snow dying. I have to admit that I'm no expert! I've only done this once before...

So... I prepared my fabric. Piled some snow on top of it with my dye powder. I used two different shades of yellow and one blue.

I wasn't the happiest with my results...

So I threw it back into my soda ash to soak, re-folded it... this time I used brown and applied it directly on the fabric. This way I could kinda sorta control where the color went.

Much better!!!

This is without the light coming through it.

During the first dye I had put some scraps of fabric in the bottom of the drip pan. I'm pleased with results!


  1. Lovely, and yes, when it comes to dying, it usually takes a few attempts. Glad you persevered, the final result is lovely.

  2. I do the exact same thing when I'm unhappy with a piece. Refold and redye. Yours turned out great!

  3. Thank you Vicki... I'm glad to find out that even the experts have ones they are not happy about. LOL!!! You are my inspiration in all things dye!
