
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Flood watch

It's been raining pretty hard here for the last couple days. I believe we got over 5" of rain yesterday and it's still coming down. We have a creek in down in front of our house that our drive way goes over. We are a little worried about the water going over the driveway so we are keeping an eye on it. This morning I decided to try making a video of the rising water. I'm a big dork!!! Some how or for some reason I called in it flood watch 2009 when we all know it's 2008.... like a I said... I'm a big dork!!!

Hope this works...I've never done this before.


  1. Well now we will be looking for daily updates. Or hourly?

    Hope the rain stops soon. Too much water can be really scary.


  2. Oh Kim webcam!! Not dorky at all!! Hope the water didn't come up too high!!

  3. Of course you're a dork! That's why I love ya!
