
Thursday, August 27, 2009

WIP Wedndesday 8/26/09 a day late...

I feel like I haven't done a whole lot lately.... Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning my studio so I can walk without tripping on anything. I've had bead projects out on my table and piles of fabric here and there.

I did get my embroidered basket block done...

This is the last one I had to do. Now to get them into a quilt. Trying to decide what fabrics to use for this is the reason for all the little piles of fabric that were in my studio. I'm trying to use fabrics I have and not buy anymore...

I started a new embroidery project...

I also made earrings to go with the necklace I showed in this post

I have fabrics to make two skirts... I'm using Simplicity patter #5752.

I'm going to be using view C or B with no flounce. B is longer... so I just need to decide what length I want. I'll probably do the short version for this border print.

And the longer version for this fabric. I thought this one would look cute with my cowboy boots....

Now to find time to make these skirts.... I want to have them ready to wear at Innovations in a couple weeks.


  1. Oooo, garment sewing. I remember when I used to do that - a lot!

    Love the fabrics you have chosen, the skirts will be really cute!

  2. That looks like one of my to do lists! I love the fabrics for the skirts. Some day, when I quilt work, I look forward to doing garment sewing again. I really enjoyed drafting patterns and doing some tailoring.

  3. Is the bright embroidery with the black background from Leora? She is from South Africa. This looks just like her embroideries! I worked in her booth in Houston one year..just at the last minute. I DO love those brights on the black..they just POP don't they?

  4. I've been thinking about taking up hand work again, and I'd like to know who does the patterns for the birds and other animals that go with it. Also, who makes the brown border print with the flowers? That's going to be a very cute skirt!
