Friday, October 23, 2009

Waco Willy

This was written by Dan...

Waco Willy
He was a rooten tooten mighty straight shooten terrier hound. He was a southern boy who came to town. He is runnen with Lu and Bear and chasen the hare. He was my friend my buddy my pal. I will miss you boy.

Kim and I had to have Waco put down Thursday afternoon. Waco was born in Columbia South Carolina on Febuary 15, 2000 and passed away on October 22, 2009. As Jim Harrison would have said. "He was a twenty first century dog". He was a good ol dog. I made him a real nice box out of spruce that was taken off the river property so he will be comfortable in his place of rest. We are taking him out to the river this weekend to barrie him next to Lu. Dan & Kim


  1. I'm so sorry Dan and Kim. Our pets are so special to us and to lose them is heartbreaking.

  2. I'm so sorry, Dan and Kim. I know how hard it to lose a special pet.

  3. Kim,

    Sorry to hear about Waco. He was a lucky dog to have found you and Dan.

    Linda McMillan

  4. Kim, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I know from the stories in past years that Willy was a keeper, for sure!

    As others have noted, he was one lucky dog to have you and Dan. May you treasure the happy memories of him forever.

    Hugs to you.

    Christine Olson

  5. I'm so sorry to read about your beloved Waco, Kim.
