Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fan Letter

Not long ago I received the following from Linda Rech who was in my Filigree Feather class that I taught for the first time this last September at Innovation 2010...  I will be teaching a new twist on this class called Fantasy Feathers at MQS 2011 in May.  Anyway, I was thrilled by Linda's email!  She did a fabulous job making these Filigree Feathers her own!!!

If any of you out there have used designs learned in one of my classes or from my book 'Just Leaf It' and want to share your photos...  please give me a shout!  I'd be more than happy to share them here for you!!

Here's Linda's quilting... and e-mail. 

Hi Kim—I was lucky to take your Filigree Feathers class at Innovations this year. I tell all my longarm buddies that this class was the best money I have spent at that show in seven years! I have used the feathers several times on customer quilts and it always gets a positive response. Attached is a close-up of a recent quilt. Thanks and I hope to take more classes from you. You were a great instructor. Enough schmoozingJ—have a great weekend!
Linda Rech-Olympia

Thank you Linda for sharing!


  1. Kim - I just love those feathers. Wish I could take your course...if you ever put out a video - let me know ...please?? For us people so far away ?? How fantastic to get the letter, and how rewarding for you.

  2. Thank you Joan.... you never know what may happen ;-)

  3. Linda's filgrees look great... this is a must take class for me. I will have to check your schedule for the comming year.

  4. I just received the catalog yesterday. Your class is first on my list. See you in May.

  5. Thank you Rebecca... I'm excited to meet you!
