Thursday, April 28, 2011

Quilting BIG borders

Sometimes an idea for a really big border is so totally obvious and other time it's not.  When it's a busy print us longarm quilters don't like to put a lot of fancy stitching where it's not going to be seen, so something simple that adds texture is usually the best choice.  One of my favorites is what we call  'Piano Key', which is simple straight lines evenly placed across the border.

The quilting will show better on the second big border on this quilt so I decided on a feather design...

I looked and looked for western designs for this quilt that I could do freehand.  Something like a leather tooling design.  Many of them add this feather shape so I practice drawing these feathers for about 4 weeks.  I think I really like them....

1 comment:

  1. Great work Kim...I am practising my leaves but not ready yet :) and the twirlies...
    I do love your borders. One of my favorites are the piano keys too - thanks to one of your great videos...
