Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Almost done....

I didn't get this done the other day like I wanted to.  I was quilting and quilting and then the power went out!  By the time we went and got some dinner and came home to the power being back on... I was too tired to quilt ;-(  Some days it's really hard for me to find time to quilt.  It's that 'other job' that takes all my time.

Anyway, this morning I found a few hours to quilt before I had to be at work.  Thought it was a good time to do the horses.  Yep, I said 'horses'!

I had decide to stitch right through the paper....

Then remembered why I this isn't my favorite method of quilting!  

Getting all that paper out from under the stitches can be a big pain in the backside!
Time to get out the really, really pointy tweezers!

But in the end... it looks really good.  After all that I had one of those light bulb moments...  why didn't I trace the pic onto water soluble stabilizer???  How much easier would that have been?   MUCH!  Now to remember that for next time!

 And this is just because Mr Will was helping me in the studio today...


  1. Oh this is just simply stunning - great work - and I must remember the water soluble stabiliser myself

  2. That is wonderful Kim - and so very effective. I havnt heard of water soulable stabiliser - sounds like a good idea.... Did you draw the horse yourself???

  3. I don't envy you the job getting out all that paper. Worth it in the end. Looks fantastic!

  4. Looks fabulous Kim! Well worth all your picking, but I have to say the water soluble stabilizer idea is pure genius!!

  5. This looks great - instead of water soluable stabilizer, a friend of mine swears by, and I think this is right, but I'll doublke check - stretch and seal plastic wrap. You can draw right on it and stitch through it and it pulls away much better and with less bits than paper. Sometimes you are working on something that you just do not want to get wet!

  6. The horse is simply amazing - great work - and I love the idea of using the soluable stabiliser.

  7. Kim,your quilting is fabulous, as always, but the addition of the horse's head is incredible! Would love to see the look on the quilt owner's face when she sees this quilt for the first time.

  8. Guess it goes without saying...I just love horses....go figure....great idea with the water soluble stabiliser..

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland
