
Thursday, May 5, 2011


Do you ever get to the bottom border and can't remember what exaclty that you did on the top border?  I mean how the center meets or the corners turn...  I do!  And on almost every quilt.  I have write down everything and draw myself pictures, but the best tool is my camera. (That's if I remember to take pictures...)

So I get to the bottom border and I can't remember all the details, and I forgot to take pictures.   I had to unroll the whole thing....

It's all in the details!

First thing in the morning I will be finishing the last borders.....


  1. That looks beautiful Kim...your post did make me smile. Its good to know I am not alone when I forget things :)

  2. I love your feathers, beautiful. and yes! I forget too..what the top border looked like, to take a picture-the camera is upstairs, I'm downstairs. (so comforting to know others do the same.) I'm a little better about drawing a picture with arrows on my little practice whiteboard, but not 100% with remembering to do that either!

  3. the border looks wonderful Kim! And yes I'm in the forgetful camp too :)

  4. Too funny!! I'm doing the same thing. I am taking pics from now on. Funny how that happens. Your quilting is just gorgeous!!

  5. Yep, I need to take pictures too. I frequently put feathers curling the wrong way if I don't.

  6. I forgot the top border on the last quilt I quilted. I 'thought' I remembered...and ended up with a nice leafy feather, with no curliques! Good thing it all blends into the fabric! Gotta love busy fabrics or I would have been picking out ALOT of stitches!
