
Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's done...

It's done, it's done, it's done.....  When my customer came to pick it up she says "you saved my disaster!"  She was not thrilled with the top at all.  Her daughter-in-law picked out all the fabrics so it wasn't to her taste...  but she was happy with the end result and couldn't stop smiling!!! 

There wasn't enough sun coming through the windows to get a decent picture....  We got Washington Coast rain today.  Overcast, and wet air!

I'll be leaving tomorrow night for MQS and will be gone until the 17th, so you wont be hearing from me for a week or so...  See you when I get back!


  1. I so wish I could see this quilt in person. It looks spectacular on your blog. It should be entered into shows because I think it is a winner.

  2. Very pretty!! Have fun at the show!! Maybe next year for me..

  3. Kim - that is one beautiful quilt... no wonder they are happy - I certainly would be...its just gorgeous!! Definitely a winner says I too :)
