
Monday, May 16, 2011

Finished quilting

I'm back from MQS...  What a show with beautitul quilts, fabulous classes and great students!!

While working in the A-1 booth I was able to work on my Going Round in Circles quilt.  My good friend Dusty Farrell decided he wanted to add some feathers to the background quilting...

Can you tell Dusty's feathers from mine???  
I didn't get it completed at the show, but spent today doing just that..

Now I just need to get the binding on then this quilt will go to it's new home with WonderFil Threads.  I used 12wt Spagetti for the circle designs and 100wt InvisiFil for the background feathers and fills.


  1. Looks great Kim! And yes I can tell.

  2. Love the hearts! I probably should be able to tell but if you hadn't mention it I wouldn't have known you hadn't quilted all the feathers.

  3. Kim - that looks so gorgeous! How did your class go?? I love all your fillers - its goreat to see you back!

  4. Absolutely beatuiful. Do you have a picture showing the whole quilt? I love the squares behind the circles.

  5. this is wonderful! I'm not sure if I can tell the difference or not, but not sure that it matters!

  6. stunning quilting, I love the colour of the fabric.

  7. out of curiusity, what size needle does the 12wt thread require?

  8. Очень красиво! Рисовать машиной - моя мечта. Учусь.
