
Friday, May 27, 2011

KISS (on the machine today)

Keep It Simple Silly ( sutpid!)!!!!  Keeping the quilting simple does not come easy to me...  There!  I said it!  It can be a real chore, but when a customer ask for simple quilting, simple quilting is what they get.

I've done a leaf meander all around the focus blocks... and now working on doing an echo fill around the printed flower blocks...

 Mean while I've finished my 3rd pair of socks on my sock loom....  

Willie just had to be up in that chair!  I tried several time to put him down, but he just jumped back up as I'd take the pic.  Silly dog :-)  This pair ended a little shorter than I like and that's after I added an extra 10 rows to the pattern, so note to self to remember to make the next ones longer.  I really like the color of these!!!  May have to do another pair with this same yarn...


  1. Your KISS is wonderful - Just right. Love Willie and your socks...are you your sock machine ?? if not - what is it - just curious

  2. I like your quilting on this one, simple is always Beautiful!! Love the fabric too!

  3. Oh Willie is too cute not to help with the picture, the socks are great! and I too have trouble with quilting restraint!!

  4. Your simple quilting is my detailed quilting at this point. Just Beautiful!! Love the socks too!

  5. I hear what you are saying about the KISS...I have that problem with my customers too, well you can't really call it a 'problem', but sometimes I have dreamt up something fab to quilt and I get told "KISS"....oh well there is always the next quilt!

  6. Gorgeous!! Simple...more like stunning!!
