
Saturday, November 19, 2011

And.... among other things

So you may of noticed a few days absence...  the story continues. 

While dealing with all the insurance stuff and finding a new car, one of the ladies that works at our local quilt shop, Quilt Harbor, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  It's something that really makes you wake up and take notice of the things that are really important.  Anyway, I've been asked to work a few days a week while she is having treatment and recovering.  So along with working my part time job at a major retailer at the mall I'm working 3 days a week at Quilt Harbor.

If you notice me absent for a few day here and there it means that I'm working, working, working, and hopefully finding time to quilt!  This week I worked 3 days at the quilt shop and 2 at my other job...  and one of my days off I had to stop by the quilt shop! 

I can't believe it's Thanksgiving this week...  which probably means I'll have to be at work at my other job at 4:00 in the morning, or even earlier.  On a happier note...  one of my Christmas Cactus decided to bloom for Thanksgiving :-)


  1. I look forward to your next posting...dont work too hard - take time to 'smell the roses' :)

  2. I agree with joan... Dont forget to smell the roses..I guess in this case..Smell the Cactus :) Love you and thinking of you and your friend. Hoping for a quick recovery!
