
Monday, December 5, 2011

New socks...

Another friend and coworker has been diagnosed with cancer....  breaks my heart each and every time I hear the C word in the same sentence with one of my friends names.

With this news comes more hours at my job at one of the large retailers in the mall...  Between the mall and filling in at the quilt shop I'm working 55 hours this week.  I'm having a hard time finding time to get into the studio to finish a quilt that's been on my frame....   maybe if I don't sleep.  We could call it sleep quilting...

I do find a few minutes at lunch time to work on some socks....  With  loom knitting socks are kinda mindless and it keeps my hands busy.  I have to keep my hands busy when I sit down for a few minutes!  If I don't...  I fall asleep...

1 comment:

  1. Well done Kim - I have never been good at knitting socks. I hope you have time to have some rest soo and get to play a bit more on those quilts :) I wish your co-worker well - Its not a nice thing to be diagnosed with that at all!!
