
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Working, working,working

Today is my 6th day in a row out of 10 without a day off.... and it's going to be a 12 hr day!  Come one!  Hurry up next Wednesday!!!!

Anyway...  I just thought I's take a minute and share some pictures from a quilt I did back in October.

 For some reason blogger isn't letting my add more than two pictures.....  :-(


  1. It's feast or famine with work, isn't it? I hope you get some down time soon! I love the quilting you did on this quilt. It makes it really special!

  2. just wonderful Kim...if you can add more pictures soon...please do! Have a very Merry Christmas,

  3. Like those pictures. I am about to go to bed, Thought I would let you know I am doing leaves - not feathers. taken from your book Just Leaf it :) I love doing those leaves :)
