
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On the Machine....

I'm working on this large Stach-n-Whack quilt....   Since I have not quilted in a couple months, I really feel out of practice!!!   LOL

Piano Keys in the border is one of my favorite treatments!

For now I'm doing all the Stitch in the Ditch and block quilting...   will go back and do the freehand designs once this is done!

The freehand work in the secondary design will be leaves....  using a Superior Rainbow thread. 

Since I'm doing two different threads, one for the blocks and one for the leaves, is why I decided to do all the blocks first.  The thread in the blocks is InviFil by WonderFil, a 100 weight...  and the Rainbow is a 40 weight.  This means I have to adjust my top thread tension each time I change my threads...