
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ta Done

Yes!!!   I finished a customer quilt!

This last summer I added the Quilt Gallery to my quilting studio...  The Quilt Gallery is the automated system that A1 Quilting Machines offer.  It's a pretty user friendly system and so far I've been having fun getting to know it better.  I think it will be great for doing pantographs (edge to edge quilting)!!! 

Don't get me wrong...  I still very much enjoy doing freehand work.  I always will, but this gives me the opportunity to do even more.

This is the first customer quilt that I have quilted using the Quilt Gallery...

I used a design called New Delhi #2 by Patricia Ritter.

Love it...

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful. I am now following your blog. Please feel welcome to visit and follow my blog :)
