Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Need No Stinkin Truck.... I have a convertible!

A couple days ago I ordered some batting from the Warm Co. I buy most my batting from them because the factory where it's made is only about 22 miles from my house. I can call an order in and pick it up the next day... this saves me on shipping. I also like to buy from them because it is a local company. I like to support the local businesses.... they employ the people that live in my community.

Anyway... I say to Dan that I'm going to go pick up some batting. He ask if I need to use his truck. I tell him "NO! I need no stinkin truck... I have a convertible!"

The girls at the loading dock where a little surprised also... LOL

A 90" roll fit perfect in my backseat.


  1. Kim - I understand completely. I, too, have a convertible and I do the same thing - put the top down and load it up! Too funny.

  2. I wish I lived close to the Warm Co.- I love their batting! Too cool about the convertible!

  3. Atta GIRL! My Sebring convertible holds a lot with he top down too!

  4. I want a convertible! I love your small quilt in the previous post, can't wait to see how you paint it.
