Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WIP Wednesday 6/17/09

For my non quilting friends WIP stands for Work in Progress... I haven't made much progress in my new leaf quilt, but I did get a little color added. So far I'm very pleased with the way it looks. I'm hoping I can get some more done in the next day or two.

Also, I didn't take the advice of my good friend Lisa Coker. She told me to get the prizma pencils to color my quilt and not the cheap ones from Walmart... I didn't listen. That's why I haven't gotten as far as I would of liked. It take more time & pressure to lay down the amount of color I want with these pencils. Oh well... live and learn.

This is my little helper Waco. He can't figure out why we are inside when it's nice and sunny. He really wants to go for a walk!


  1. Love the color that you are adding.

  2. Kim, the quilt is going to be stunning!
    Waco doesn't look too impressed though. lol

  3. LOL... no Waco doesn't enjoy quilting very much!
