Thursday, July 16, 2009

WIP Wednesday, a day late...

I got busy yesterday cleaning the house... It's not like my house is dirty or messy, but I hadn't taken the time to do that deep cleaning that just needs to be done once in awhile. So anyway, I forgot all about it being WIP Wednesday.

I'm going to be teaching the next Scrap Therapy, Lightening Strikes Twice, class at Quilt Harbor this month, so I've been working on the sample. It uses 5" squares, so I thought it would be a good quilt to use some of the nickles from a swap I did a while back. Took out my box of nickles to see which I would like to work with and decided on the green pile. I love green.... Non of the other piles really went with the green for the second color so had to dig through my stash with purple in my mind. I found a group of magenta fabrics that I really liked with the green so went to work cutting. So far I'm really, really liking this quilt! I think I'll use it for one of the beds in our camp trailer.

Here's what I got going so far...

As I was piecing these block I realized my water jug matches my fabrics...

I decided that I don't need my quilt to be as big as what the pattern calls for so I'm only doing 3 rows of 8 blocks. Here's the first row...

And all 3 row done...

Did I mention that I really, really like this so far. It reminds me of all the foxgloves that are blooming at the edge of the woods. MMMM there's got to be a good name for this quilt in there somewhere. Now off to the quilt shop to pick out the sashing.

I've also got more coloring done on my little white quilt, but I'm not going to bore you with more pix of that until next week... VBG Oh, and I have a customer quit that I load yesterday after cleaning. On Tuesday I marked the quilting plan. I'm really excited about the plan for it, but you will just have to wait to see until I have some quilted....


  1. Love the colors! Can't wait to see it done!

  2. Oh I love your new quilt! It is going to be gorgeous....are you going to quilt LEAVES on that trellis...oHOHO...I crack myself up!
