Friday, January 7, 2011

Last quilt from 2010

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!!!  I think I missed pretty much the whole season... I had the flu for over 3 weeks.... The last couple days have been the first time that I have felt human again :-)  During that time I slept, then took a nap then went back to bed....  so needless to say I didn't post much!

I did get one last quilt done for a customer in time for Christmas.  A redwork snowman quilt.  We decided to do an allover edge to edge quilting treatment using a holly meander...

And one pic of Willie enjoying the snow we had....


  1. I'm glad you're better but sorry you missed the holidays.

    Wish Chesty liked the snow...poor thing just hates it and you'd think that he'd be used to it by now.

  2. Sorry to hear you were unwell over the Christmas Kim. Hope you're getting your strength back now.
    Willy looks like he's enjoying himself.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your magnificent quilting.
