Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fabric Search

Looks like I've been missing in action again...  When my computer was down and out, I realized how much more I get done in a day when I'm not spending all my time on the internet.  I do have to keep up on what everyone else is doing you know...  Anyway, I've been trying to limit my computer use to once a day.  It hasn't been easy, but I'm trying!

So anyway....  I am looking for this fabric. It's Marrakech Bazaar by Free Spirit.

Not sure how old it is or where I got it, but I love the colors!  I've search all the fabric sight and have come up with nothing :-(  If anyone has a half yard to spare I'd be happy to buy it from you.  A yard would be better... but beggars can't be choosy!  Just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you....

Major finger crossing going on here.....


  1. So glad to see you online again - That is beautiful fabric.

  2. i know you posted this a while ago, but i have 8 yards of this fabric that i'm willing to cut down...

  3. dody.... I tired to email you but it wouldn't go through. I'd love to get some of this fabric from you. How much are you willing to sell?
