Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I've been wanting to learn to knit socks for quite some time, but just didn't know where to start.  I know a few people here in town that would help me, but I have a time problem....  I always seem to be working on knitting day.  I could buy a beginning book, but, well you know, those long stick thingies look itemitating to tackle on my own.

So a few weeks ago, my good friend Megan got a sock loom.  I thought 'how cool!'  So far she has made 2 pairs of socks... maybe 3 by now.  Now I'm really, really wanting one! 

The closest place for me to look for one is JoAnns, which is an hour away.  I looked on line so thought I would have to break down and order one.  Then last Friday when I came home from work the mail was on the counter with a package from Megan.....  YEP, it's a sock loom!!!!  She is the BEST!

I started my first sock, and had a hard time getting going.  Ripped it out several time before I got the hang of it.

Then another friend on Facebook said she had ripped her out because she knew it could be better.  Of coarse that put the notion in my head.  I kept chanting...  I will not rip, I will not rip!  That didn't work!

Mean while I found directions on how to do a hemmed edge......  So I started over!

I'm liking this much better!  I feel like I got the hang of it now too.  My tention is much better and I really like the look of the hemmed edge....

Just what I needed....  another project!  hahahaha

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