Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ta Da... Stack-n-Whack Stars

I'm really good at sharing pix of works in progress, but not so much of sharing them once they are finished.  Not sure why that is... maybe because by that time I've started something new and can't wait to share it.

So anyhow, here's the finished Stach-n-Whack Star quilt.....  I am really happy with the way it turned out, and will be meeting up with the owner this weekend.  This is the first time that I've quilted for her, so I hope she's as happy with it as I am...

It's not often that we get such a sunny day....  In some ways it makes it harder to get good pix.

I really, really like the back on this one!


  1. Fabulous quilting - I do love your leaves! I am sure your customer will be thrilled.

  2. I know your customer will love it because you did a beautiful job on the quilting! It's gorgeous!

  3. Kim - the quilt is beautiful. You have 'leafed' it I see...Did you use two colours in the back? Your customer will really love it I am sure. No wonder you are happy with it :)

  4. Kim,
    Looks great!! Your leaves are awesome.. Your customer will have her socks knocked off--
    Thanks for sharing the finished quilt..

  5. I love it! The back is just as beautiful as the front. You had lots of space to play in between the stars and you rocked! You'll have one happy customer.
