Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Day Late

I'm going to try to keep current with WIP (works in progress) each week. One thing to remember is I said "try"... So anyway,this week I'm a day late and a dollar short. Here are a few pix of the customer quilt that I'm working on. I'm hoping to get it done today (famous last words). It's been on my machine for a couple weeks... working part time really puts a cramp in my quilting time.

The blocks...

The border...

Ribbon Candy in the sashing...

A few years ago when our nephew was about 13 my husband came home with this old boat... I couldn't for the life of me find a reason why he would haul this piece of junk home. He told me it was a project that he and Aaron could work on, that it would teach him how to restore the boat and give him something to do besides video games and hanging out all summer. Aaron lost interest in this project pretty fast, but they did get it done and we have been enjoying this little boat for the last 10 summers.

So last night I'm walking Waco and I'm up by the stop sign waiting for the traffic so we can cross the street and head back toward home, when I see this truck pulling an old boat. I think to myself "that looks a lot like our boat when Dan first brought it home". At the same time Dan pulls up to the stop sign. He has his window down and yells at me as he goes by "I'm going to follow that...." Like I had any doubt in my mind that he wouldn't.

So I get home and start making dinner for myself (Dan was suppose to be on his way to his hot rod club) when the phone rings. It's Dan... I say "Did you buy a boat?" He says "look out the window at the barn." Sure enough! There he is dropping off this little boat.

Later when he gets home he tells me he bought it for Tyler (my close friends son who just turn 13). Tyler is trilled!!! He can't wait to come and start working on it. He's even going to get into his savings (for a car...) to help buy a motor for it. It's just like our boat, same make and model. Looks a little better than ours did when we first got it, but still needs some work. What a better way to keep a kid out of trouble...

You can see ours through the window all covered up...


  1. That quilting design is very cool! I'm going to have to "borrow" that from you.

    I really like your boat story, too! My dad left behind and old boat, and none of us ever took the time to restore it. Now I wish I'd put my boys to work on it! I hope you'll post pictures as the restoration takes place.
