Wednesday, June 24, 2009

WIP Wednesday 6/24/09

Is it Wednesday already??? Where did the time go???

Didn't get much done in the quilting department. I did get a little more quilting done on my little white Just Leaf It quilt.

When I have a few minutes and nothing better to do, I go in and color a couple leaves...

Saturday was the big show at the stadium. There were close to 150 cars! Great turn out... Dan want both cars there so that means I drove the Impala... I can't believe how many of the men had to say "He lets you drive that?" Well, YES!

The Impala is on the left. The other car is the Belair that Dan is working on...

We have another show this weekend. The theme is about cars done on a budget... since we will be camping that means I'll be driving the Belair. No power steering, so I'll be getting my workout!

Better go get some quilting done...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WIP Wednesday 6/17/09

For my non quilting friends WIP stands for Work in Progress... I haven't made much progress in my new leaf quilt, but I did get a little color added. So far I'm very pleased with the way it looks. I'm hoping I can get some more done in the next day or two.

Also, I didn't take the advice of my good friend Lisa Coker. She told me to get the prizma pencils to color my quilt and not the cheap ones from Walmart... I didn't listen. That's why I haven't gotten as far as I would of liked. It take more time & pressure to lay down the amount of color I want with these pencils. Oh well... live and learn.

This is my little helper Waco. He can't figure out why we are inside when it's nice and sunny. He really wants to go for a walk!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Need No Stinkin Truck.... I have a convertible!

A couple days ago I ordered some batting from the Warm Co. I buy most my batting from them because the factory where it's made is only about 22 miles from my house. I can call an order in and pick it up the next day... this saves me on shipping. I also like to buy from them because it is a local company. I like to support the local businesses.... they employ the people that live in my community.

Anyway... I say to Dan that I'm going to go pick up some batting. He ask if I need to use his truck. I tell him "NO! I need no stinkin truck... I have a convertible!"

The girls at the loading dock where a little surprised also... LOL

A 90" roll fit perfect in my backseat.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

WIP Wednesday 6/10/09

Yesterday I decided to play... After working with Irena Bluhm at MQS I want to try doing some coloring on a quilt with color pencils. But first I needed a small quilt to color so I quilted this small 19" square whole cloth Just Leaf It quilt. These pix are before I washed the blue marking pen out. It's now drying and waiting for color...

The background fill is just a tiny small version of my all over flower design...